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A165LAWM24D2, Lungke Electronics Technology Co., Limited - Inventory

Founded in 2011. Lungke Electronics Technology . is a professional integrated circuit distributor in Shenzhen.Focusing on value-added services and provider of electronic components in the worldwide.We serve our customers in diverse market including Industrial, Tele-communication equipment, Consumer electronics, Automotive electronics, mobile applications, etc. With Lungke Electronics Technolog...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
A165L-AWM-24D-2 OMRON 450
A165L-AWM-24D-2S OMRON 650
A165L-AWM-5-1 OMRON 780
A165L-AWM-5-2 OMRON 850
A165L-AWM-5D-1 OMRON 680
A165L-AWM-5D-2 OMRON 190
A165L-AWM-T1-1 OMRON 680
A165L-AWM-T1-2 OMRON 530
A165L-AWM-T1-2S OMRON 2000
A165L-AWM-T2-2S OMRON 450
A165L-AY OMRON 650
A165L-AYA-12-1 OMRON 780
A165L-AYA-12-2 OMRON 850
A165L-AYA-12D-1 OMRON 450
A165L-AYA-12D-2 OMRON 650
A165L-AYA-24-1 OMRON 780
A165L-AYA-24-2 OMRON 850
A165L-AYA-24D-1 OMRON 680
A165L-AYA-24D-2 OMRON 530
A165L-AYA-24D-2S OMRON 2000

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