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100A0R7BT150XT, Lungke Electronics Technology Co., Limited - Inventory

Founded in 2011. Lungke Electronics Technology . is a professional integrated circuit distributor in Shenzhen.Focusing on value-added services and provider of electronic components in the worldwide.We serve our customers in diverse market including Industrial, Tele-communication equipment, Consumer electronics, Automotive electronics, mobile applications, etc. With Lungke Electronics Technolog...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
100A0R7BT150XT ATC 200
100A0R8BT150XT ATC 400
100A100FT150XT ATC 500
100A100GT150XT ATC 100
100A100JT150XT ATC 500
100A100JW150XB ATC 1000
100A100JW150XT ATC 300
100A100KW150XT ATC 200
100A100MT150XT ATC 100
100A101FT150XT ATC 400
100A101GT150XT ATC 300
100A101JT150XT ATC 1000
100A101JT150XTV ATC 1000
100A101JW150XC ATC 600
100A101KT150XT ATC 100
100A101MT150XT ATC 1000
100A110GT150XT ATC 1000
100A120GT150XT ATC 500
100A120JT150XT ATC 200
100A120JW150XT ATC 300

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